We develop technologies that harness the natural diagnostic and therapeutic power of T cells to help fight against disease.

Why T cells?

Detect Earlier, Longer, and into the Past

T cell responses appear earlier than antibodies and persist long into recovery.

Highly Specific and

T cells develop responses to specific parts of proteins, making T cell diagnostics highly specific and robust.


T cell responses often correlate with disease severity, enabling opportunities for disease monitoring.


Vaccines can imprint T cells
with the ability to
protect against specific diseases.

Learn more about each product.

  • Mir Bio’s T cell detection assays are unique, whole blood tests that detect T cell reactivity against specific diseases.

    How they work:

    1. Heparinized whole blood is collected into tubes coated with specialized disease-specific antigens.

    2. Blood supernatant is then pipetted into ELISA plates.

    3. Disease-specific T cells secrete molecules that are finally captured and detected.

    As compared to other T cell assays, PBMC isolation is NOT required. ELISA processing occures via a one-step format.

    Disclaimer: For Research Use Only; Not For Use In Diagnostic Procedures

  • The specialized disease-specific antigens that are used in Mir Bio’s T Cell Detection Assays can be purchased separately to empower your own research. See our Store for currently available infectious disease immunogens.

    Disclaimer: For Research Use Only; Not For Use In Diagnostic Procedures

  • Mir Bio’s immunogens consist of a non-infectious bacterial protein fused to a full-length antigen or peptide of interest. Our researchers and industry partners have demonstrated the ability our technology to stimulate disease-specific T cells in both animals and humans.

    We are happy to custom develop a T cell immunogen that is specific to your own research needs. Provide us with the nucleotide sequence and we will take care of the rest. These specialized immunogens can be used in many downstream research applications including ELIspot, flow cytometry, and vaccine studies in animals.

  • Mir Bio is currently developing and testing its own T cell vaccines for infectious diseases, cancer, and autoimmunity. Connect with us to learn more.